
Descendant Sign Calculator

The descendant sign calculator on this page is a plain and uncomplicated tool that allows you to perform a descendant (DSC) analysis.

What is My Descendant Sign (DSC)?

Your descendant sign is the opposite of your ascendant sign in your birth chart. It implies that we desire things in life but are having difficulty obtaining them. Someone with our ascendant sign would be a great life partner since they can bring harmony to the situation. It also shows a lot about how we interact with one another, as well as depicting relationships in general. In view of the descendant zodiacal sign, we may examine the kind of individuals who emerge in our life, with whom we prefer to form true relationships, or the attributes we would want to see in our love partner.

Descendant Calculator

Descendant astrology is a technique that can help you better understand yourself. It's an excellent place to start if you're interested in learning more about astrology.  Knowing your ascendant sign is the first step in figuring your Descendant. As a result, the Descendant sign will always be in direct opposition to the ascendant sign. Determining the ascendant makes it simple to figure out the descendant (DSC). 

Our descendant sign exposes all of our strengths and shortcomings. To put it another way, it represents the traits we lack or the ones we want our partners to possess. We are drawn to folks whose ascendant sign is the same as our descendant sign. It implies that we desire things in life but are having difficulty obtaining them. Someone with our ascendant sign would be a great life partner since they can bring harmony to the situation.

How to Find Your Descendant Sign?

Although your descendant sign isn't as well-known as your ascendant sign - rising sign, you can simply find out your descendant sign if you know your ascendant. It is the polar opposite of your rising sign, or six Zodiac Signs distant.

The Descendant Signs and their Ascendant Signs are listed below. They'll never change, and they'll always be on different sides of the zodiac. As an example, if your ascendant is Taurus, you will also have a Scorpio Descendant. This will never change, and people with Libra-like traits will most likely match your innermost wishes of what you find appealing in a relationship.

Libra Descendant : Aries Ascendant
Scorpio Descendant : Taurus Ascendant
Sagittarius Descendant : Gemini Ascendant
Capricorn Descendant : Cancer Ascendant
Aquarius Descendant : Leo Ascendant
Pisces Descendant: Virgo Ascendant
Aries Descendant : Libra Ascendant
Taurus Descendant : Scorpio Ascendant
Sagittarius Gemini Descendant : Ascendant
Cancer Descendant : Capricorn Ascendant
Leo Descendant : Aquarius Ascendant
Virgo Descendant : Pisces Ascendant

As our descendant sign is diametrically opposed to our ascendant sign, it symbolizes attributes that are diametrically opposed to those that we consciously put into the world. So, our rising sign determines how we look to others and the picture we project of ourselves - it's all about first impressions, emotions, and personalities on the surface. On the other side, the descendant is everything our ascendant isn't.

What is my sun sign? How to find your sun sign? The sun sign calculator on the page can help you with them in seconds.
Need an answer to the question of what is my rising sign? Then the ascendant sign calculator (ASC) here can help you with that instantly.